I am a gaming nerd down to my very core. I have traversed the wilderness of Azeroth, become the King of Tokyo, conquered fearsome Thunderjaws, been the Great Dalmuti (and the Great Peon), got sucked into space when our ship was on fire, hijacked trains in New Hanover, and made friends with BD-1. I am an avid Kickstarter supporter - a Super Backer extraordinaire! (A good portion of my fun money is spent right here!)
Professionally - I am a multi-disciplined UI/UX Designer and 3D modeler, with over 22 years of professional experience designing everything from games to websites. While working for EA Games, I was responsible for the UI Design for many products including; Minions Paradise, The Sims, and TetrisBlitz. Since then, I have provided services for many titles including Fortnite, Magic the Gathering, Adventure Capitalist, Puzzle Quest, Lord of the Rings: Living Card Game, and a collection of game titles I cannot disclose at this time.