Are you looking to purchase FatesEnd files? You can find them here:
Delivered Files (renders)

All files for FatesEnd 2 have been released!
But here’s the Production Schedule for review:
You can always access your files here: https://fatesend.backerkit.com/
Does the FatesEnd 1 & 2 bundle include stretch goals from both campaigns?
Yep, all files are included (including Stretch Goals) in the FatesEnd 1 & 2 bundle. You can see renders (and some photos) from FatesEnd 1 at: www.FatesEnd.net (just scroll down on the homepage a bit.)
I backed FatesEnd 1 & 2 can you send me the files from Campaign 1 today please?
I'm so sorry, but we can't issue out any files until this campaign finishes funding (should be around April 15th). Your card won't be processed until the campaign ends (around March 30th). After funding, I will be sending out files from FatesEnd 1 to backers like you. :-)
New Backer: Can I be part of the Merchant or Print Support Facebook group today?
I’m so sorry, we can’t add new backers to the Facebook groups until this campaign funds (usually 2 weeks after the campaign ends, around April 15th.) We will be sending out Facebook links to backers then.
Will you be offering Merchant License renewals after they expire? (24 months after last file is delivered.)
Yes, I plan on offering renewals for Merchant Licenses after they expire, and I don't anticipate charging more than the last price grouping ($285) for the renewal.
Is there a way to get files from both campaigns and a Merchant License for both campaigns?
Yep! You would want to purchase the Dual License in this case. It allows you to sell prints from both campaigns and you'll get all Stretch Goal unlocks from both!
Can I buy just one Dice Tower, Dice Box or GM Screen?
Eventually, I'll be listing each object on the following sites:
and https://cults3d.com/en/users/Kimbolt
The price will be $6.99 per object (Crystal tower for example) but my priority is this campaign so listing them one by one for sale won't be high on my priority list for a while.
Will you be cutting up files for resin printers?
Dice Jails/Vaults should fit fine on larger resin printers such as the Saturn, and some towers (the crystal tower, for example may fit). However, I'm only splitting files for 7" square print areas, so some wider towers may not fit on a Saturn (the Mayan and Pagoda towers are a good example of wide towers). I'd recommend printing wider towers at 63% and pairing them with tiny dice (can be found on Amazon).
More details (from the main campaign page - please check there for images to help illustrate further)
All files will be designed to print on smaller FDM Printers like the Prusa Mini. Files above 7" (about 177mm) tall will be split into two models so they’re printable on smaller printers. These objects can be any size that your printer can support, so you can print them smaller (if you have a small printer) or larger (for large dice) if desired. All Dice towers are designed to work with standard 20mm dice at 100% scale. (*Dice set/tower scales are determined by the size of the D20 in the set.) If you can't print the towers at 100%, then print them at 60% to work with tiny 12mm dice sets (can be found in local game stores or on Amazon.) Dice Jails and Vaults may work, depending on size and scale.
Recommended Slicer Settings (For FDM printers)
*These settings are for a Prusa MK3 with a 0.6mm nozzle using Prusa Slicer. Print times may vary based on slicer, printer type, and nozzle size (0.4mm nozzle size is typical).
We're received several requests for settings on the printed towers we're showcasing. We have several Prusa MK3s and all of them have a 0.6mm nozzle. Similar settings should work just fine with a 0.4mm nozzle, but please keep a close watch on your printer to ensure everything is printing correctly. These settings are exactly what we used for the towers in the photos section of the campaign. If you have alternative settings that work for you, sweet! Do that. ;-)
Print time: Base = 23hrs Roof = 8hrs
You can download the Wizard Tower files from FatesEnd1 here for FREE: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4197735
Late Pledge Store: http://fatesendtowers.com/
Production Schedule: https://www.fatesend.net/production-schedule
Slicer Settings:
Kickstarter Campaign: