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Recommended Slicer Settings (For FDM printers)

*These settings are for a Prusa MK3 with a 0.6mm nozzle using Prusa Slicer. Print times may vary based on slicer, printer type, and nozzle size (0.4mm nozzle size is typical).

We're received several requests for settings on the printed towers we're showcasing. We have several Prusa MK3s and all of them have a 0.6mm nozzle. Similar settings should work just fine with a 0.4mm nozzle, but please keep a close watch on your printer to ensure everything is printing correctly.  These settings are exactly what we used for the towers in the photos section of the campaign. If you have alternative settings that work for you, sweet! Do that. ;-) 

Print time: Base = 23hrs  Roof = 8hrs

You can download the Wizard Tower files from FatesEnd1 here for FREE:  

Kickstarter Backers - All files have been released!

You can always access your files here:

All FatesEnd Renders

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